Refrigeration equipment for meat processing plants, dairy and confectionery products


Engineers use the latest software, so we guarantee the most effective refrigeration system project. Your investment will work for you.


Our installation crews are equipped with modern tools, transport and components to install commercial refrigeration equipment exactly on time.


All commissioning work is performed by certified specialists who regularly train at the factories of manufacturers of units and components for them.


Remote monitoring operation of refrigerating units makes it possible to detect problems and deviations from the norm even before the technical service of the supermarket. The mobile service service goes to the facility 24/7.



Refrigerating equipment of the food industry – project, installation and service

The production and storage of berries, fruits, food raw materials, ready-made meat and dairy products, confectionery and other products must strictly comply with the standards of the State Technical Service of Ukraine (GOST) and SanPiN. The engineers of the Ralco Technic company are perfectly aware of all the regulatory requirements and technological features of the work of meat processing plants, dairy and cheese factories, confectionery shops and lines of semi-finished products. Competently drawn up scheme and accurately calculated capacity of refrigerating equipment for an enterprise is not only the food safety of finished products, but also its competitive attractiveness. Increasing the energy efficiency of industrial refrigeration is a direct way to lower costs and increase profits.

Turnkey refrigeration systems for the food industry

Innovations in industrial refrigeration – additional profit in the food industry

We are one of the innovators in Ukraine in the field industrial refrigeration equipment for dairy products and meat plants. By implementing an innovative transcritical booster system on safe and environmentally friendly CO2, we provided the customer with energy savings of up to 25%. This made finished products more competitive and increased the overall profitability of the enterprise.   Over 400 different industrial refrigeration projects were implemented over 15 years of work, including many meat processing plants, dairies, cheese factories, confectionery shops and other food industry enterprises.

Start by calling our engineer

We are ready to get involved in the creation or modernization of refrigeration systems of an industrial facility at any stage – whether it is an initial project or maintenance of finished units.

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